The Forces of Light and Darkness

Light is the force of nature..


The Principle to Vision


The Principle to the Force

Love - the Principle to Feeling

Energy - the Power to Force

Consciousness - the Way to Life

Divinity - the Virtue to Existence


The Power to the Community

Codependence - the Principle to Integration

Ambition - the Power to Determination

Appreciation - the Way to Conversation

Confidence - the Virtue to Destination


The Way to the Jedi

Sanity - the Principle to Thought

Concentration - the Power to Focus

Perception - the Way to Awareness

Clarity - the Virtue to Meditation


The Virtue to the Council

Harmony - the Principle to Peace

Trust - the Power to Love

Acceptance - the Way to Truth

Selflessness - the Virtue to Transcendence


The Obstruction of Sight


The Corruption of the Darkside

Fear - the Corruption of Survival

Anger - the Obstruction of Protection

Hate - the Misdirection of Relation

Suffering - the Sin of the Master


The Obstruction of the Children

Narcissism - the Corruption of Individual

Vanity - the Obstruction of Connection

Disrespect - the Misdirection of Attention

Arrogance - the Sin of the Soul


The Misdirection of the Sith

Insanity - the Corruption of Sense

Distraction - the Obstruction of Recognition

Deception - the Misdirection of Cognition

Delusion - the Sin of the Mind


The Sin of the Fathers

Discord - the Corruption of Community

Disbelief - the Obstruction of Elevation

Denial - the Misdirection of Communication

Selfishness - the Sin of the Jedi

..Darkness is the negation of God